Play Android emulator on your computer is a brain activity, but YouWave makes it easy to carry on your Windows PC. With this software you can run Android apps and app stores on your computer without having to own a phone running Android OS. This is the fastest way to run Android on a computer
- Download thousands of apps online via app Store in youwave
- Runs Android apps and app Store on computers that do not need the phone.
- High performance - The fastest way to run Android on a computer
- Easy to use - Easy to install. Easy to import and run apps
- Supports Android 2.3 Gingerbread (new)
- Runs on Windows XP/Vista/7, 32/64 bit
- Simulation function SD card - allows saved games
- Save status enables fast restart
- Enables multi-player online games
- Turn the phone very dynamic (new)
- Volume control buttons (new)
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